দেশ নির্বাচন করুন
- Afghanistan
- Angola
- Argentina
- Bangladesh
- Belorussia-(Belarus)
- Benin
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Burkina-Faso
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa-Rica
- Global
- Dominican-Republic
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El-Salvador
- Ghana
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Haiti
- Honduras
- India
- Iraq
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Malaysia
- Mali
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Qatar
- Republic-of-the-Congo
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Saudi-Arabia
- Sierra-Leone
- South-Africa
- Sri-lanka
- Sudan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Turkey
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Yemen
গ্লোবাল পেইজ দেখুন
- প্রোডাক্টস
- টেকনোলজি ও উদ্ভাবন
- ডিলার খুঁজে নিন
দেশ নির্বাচন করুন
- Afghanistan
- Angola
- Argentina
- $name
- Bangladesh
- Belorussia-(Belarus)
- Benin
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Burkina-Faso
- $name
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Chile
- Colombia
- $name
- Costa-Rica
- Global
- $name
- Dominican-Republic
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El-Salvador
- Ghana
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Haiti
- Honduras
- India
- $name
- Iraq
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Malaysia
- Mali
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- $name
- $name
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- $name
- Qatar
- Republic-of-the-Congo
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Saudi-Arabia
- Sierra-Leone
- $name
- South-Africa
- $name
- Sri-lanka
- Sudan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Turkey
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Yemen
- $name
গ্লোবাল পেইজ দেখুন
Daily Rides made
Put the fun back into everyday riding as
you powerfully zip to and fro in the city
সেরা শহুরে পারফর্মার
বেস্ট পিক আপ ও হ্যান্ডলিং এ শহরের অলিগলিতে রাইড হবে আনন্দময়
অবিশ্বাস্য মাইলেজ
অবিশ্বাস্য মাইলেজ সহ ইঞ্জিন দ্বারা চালিত ডিসকভারে প্রতিটি রাইডে আপনার মুখে থাকবে হাসি।
Double-LED DRLs 12V DC Headlamps
Striking double DRLs classily announce your presence, and a powerful DC headlamp to lead the way on your evening spins.
Digital Instrument Cluster
One glance at the digital dashboard and you’ll have all vital riding information, with accurate speed readings, and essentials on headlamps, fuel, battery and mileage.
DTS-i Technology
Optimal fuel combustion for better power and care-free spins every day.
Booted torque at low RPMs so you navigate through congested lanes without over-burning fuel to produce power.
Front Disc and Rear Drum Brake
Backed with a 240mm front disc and a 130mm rear drum brake, you’re always equipped to come to a clean stop.
Telescopic Front Forks with Superior Rear Suspension
Challenge unknown routes with superior suspension that allows for 16x longer travels compared to competition.